The Concept
Coordinated by Luleå University of Technology, this effort will first formulate a mobilisation action plan based on international benchmarks, the involvement of successful women geoscientists and engineers as role models and an information gathering campaign targeting teenagers and teachers. Outcomes of this activity will also serve as a baseline for impact assessment in WP3.
Initiatives: Baseline assessment, Capitalising experience, International benchmarking, Best practice methods in Europe for STEM, Customising the Action Plan.
A working group led by University of Miskolc will organise the implementation of the ENGIE campaign. All actions will be designed to have high impact, often using existing EU initiatives, such as the European Researchers’ Night, Girls’ Day, RM@Schools, etc., ENGIE to them. The campaign will be implemented in more than 20 countries.
Initiatives: Researchers Night – Geosciences theme, Linking ENGIE with other initiatives, After-school Science, ENGIE Magazine, Methodology course to science teachers, Photo contest ‘Girls and Geology’.
Impact Assessment and Monitoring
La Palma Research Centre directs the Impact Assessment and Monitoring, which is designed to monitor (but also to increase) the impact of the ENGIE Action in both quantitative and qualitative terms, set up trends and to collect best practices for the successful organisation of similar targeted campaigns in the future (in other STEM disciplines). Success will be evaluated against the expectations (by the Consortium, EC, students, researchers, teachers) with the overall long-term purpose of identifying the types of activities that proved the most effective towards the achievement of the objectives.
Initiatives: Terms of reference for impact assessment, Impact monitoring and assessment, ENGIE 2025.