About two weeks ago, we had the opportunity to publish breathtaking photos on Instagram submitted by the participants of the ENGIE project’s #photocontest. Once again, we would like to thank all the participants for their contribution to the #photocontest.

The voting procedure has now been closed as of 16th May 2022. As previously mentioned, the number of ‘likes’ obtained by each photo have been counted, allowing us to have a selection of ten pictures with the most ‘likes’.

Here are our top 10 photos :

  1. Balonar by Defne Işik
  2. Faraklo Volcano by Giannis Dounis
  3. Grup by Ceren Güven
  4. Rainbow Mountain! by Cansin Alinda Albayrak
  5. Grotte di frasassasi cave by Efsa Nur Çelik
  6. Rock creates and shapes the Earth’s landscape by Dilruba Çağlayan
  7. Beauty of geological formation in nature by Yusuf Çevik  
  8. Natural rocks by Dilruba Çağlayan
  9. Covão dos Conchos by Lara Sobral
  10. Petrified tree by Dilruba Çağlayan

Currently, a jury of geoscience role models is reviewing the pictures so as to determine the top 3. The winner will be announced on 1 June.

Stay tuned on our social media for the results of the next selection procedure!

